Saturday, November 13, 2021

Sudbury River - Lincoln Canoe Landing to Cold Brook

Pretty up-and-back trip on the Sudbury on late fall morning.  Calm, sunny weather, 45-50F and high water (6.97 ft, 300 cfs on Saxonville gauge) made for a pleasant trip.  Lee's Bridge (Rt 117) is a beautiful stone arch.  Passed Nawshawtuc Country Club on the right.  Made it up to Pantry Brook, lifted over the small dam (1 ft high) to explore further upstream.  Passed 3 duck hunters in major camouflage.  Proceeded up Cold Brook about 200 yards before following the path through the brushy overgrowth made it more work than fun.  Returned to Pantry brook and ran the dam through a slot on the left just wide enough for a kayak.  Saw a couple blue heron and quiet beaver lodges. 
Start: Lincoln Canoe Landing (Rt 117), Lincoln, MA
End: Cold Brook, Sudbury, MA
Trip distance (approx):  3 miles.  
Trip time: 2 hours.

Morning sentinel

Entering Pantry Brook, portaged left through brush

Rt 117 in the distance
The sunny side of Lee's Bridge


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