Saturday, November 5, 2022

Ashuelot River - Surry Mountain Dam to Keene

Nice and easy one-way paddle from below the very impressive Surry Mountain Dam down to Keene on a warm (73F) and breezy late fall day. Bike shuttled back to start. Water levels were medium-low on the Below Surry Mtn Dam gauge 5.19 ft, 53.9 cfs.  The first part of the trip is quickwater through the Bretwood golf course.  It was nice being able to see hills and trees beyond the riverbanks but also not as natural as other parts of the river. Go under several faux covered bridges for golf carts. Scraped bottom several times, you have to watch the water depths carefully, this trip would be better at slightly higher levels 70+ cfs.  One ledge drop (1-foot) near the end of the golf course, followed by the only portage of the trip due to a river-wide tree blowdown.  The second half of the trip, the current slows a lot due to the dam in Keene.  Had to paddle hard into the headwind to finish the last mile or so.  Saw 1 fish (trout?); 1 cardinal, 1 blue heron, and several small blue birds with white stomachs, not blue jays more like sparrows. A beautiful day - the massive Surry Mountain Dam definitely the highlight.  
Start: 577 East Surry Road, Surry, NH
End:  Ashuelot River Park, Keene, NH
Trip distance:  6.75 miles
Trip Time:  2 hours 20 minutes. 

Before the paddle, took a walk up to the top of the enormous Surry Mountain Dam

Surry Mountain Lake, behind the dam

The put-in is about 1/4 mile below the dam

Several faux covered bridges cross the golf course

Small drop
Followed by the one portage of the trip

Route 9 (Franklin Pierce Highway) bridge followed by the Appel Way Trail bridge
Takeout left before this bridge, and dam below, onto the bike/footpath

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